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A workshop for the Saclay-KEK cooperation program on superconducting magnets and cryogenics for accelerator frontier, to be held at KEK building 4, Room 127, Feb. 15-16, 2007

Feb.15, 2007

9:15~9:30 A. Yamamoto, Opening remark

LHC Upgrade (chair Yamamoto)
9:30~10:00 Tom Tayler LHC Upgrade review
10:00~10:30 Arnaud Devred CARE/NED and Saclay activities (1 (2

10:30~10:40 Coffee Break

Nb3Al Development (chair Tsuchiya)
10:40~11:10 Mitsuda Nb3Al development
11:10~11:30 Kikuchi Nb3Al Development at NIMS I - Cu stabilization by ion-plating & electro-plating, and cabling and Race-track coil
11:30~11:40 Banno Nb3Al Development at NIMS II - Cu stabilization with double stacking
11:40~12:10 Yamamoto discussion: - Global cooperation of NIMS and KEK with European and US laboratories - comments from Tsuchiya, Wake, Takeuchi ..

12:10~13:30 Lunch

Cryogenics (chair Kimura)
13:30~14:00 Bertrand Baudouy Heat transfer in He II
14:00~14:30 Takada Heat Transfer Characteristics on Several Film Boiling Modes in He I
14:30~15:00 Tomaru Cryogenics in interferometric gravitational wave detector
15:00~15:15 Kimura discussion

15:15~15:30 Coffee break

J-PARC Neutrino SC Magnet System (chair Ogitsu)
15:30~16:10 Sasaki Status on magnet
16:10~16:40 Okamura Status on cryogenics
Future project in Japan (chair Makida)
16:40~17:00 Aoki Introduction of Mu-e conversion experiment and Superconducting magnet system at J-PARC
17:00~17:20 Hirabayashi A proposal for future:Hydrogen energy and temperature applications

17:20 Yamamoto Closing

〒305-0801 茨城県つくば市大穂1−1 