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LN2 Supplying Rules

1. Time

Liquid nitrogen can be transferred from the liquid nitrogen tank (CE) at CSC Bldg. No.1 anytime excluding follwing period.
  • New year hoidays (from 28-Dec. to 4-Jan.)  
  • Shut down period for annual maintenance (beginning of September)

2. How to transfer LN2

  • To open the gate to access CE, please use your ID card.
  • Transfer LN2 watching weighing machine on the same plane as a floor.
  • more than 10L: Transfer directry from the valve of LN2 tank.
  • less than 10L: Trnafer from 250L dewar.
  • After finished, please complete necessary information of the note, affilation, group, ID of container and amount of LN2 et. at., beside a dewar.

ii. Please measure the transferred amount of liquid nitrogen on the weighing machine, and record the amount. Do not use an out-of-date container.

 Please do not use an out-of data container.
Please don't leave the dewar during transfer.

CE area

1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan 